Olalla Alemán and Luis Antonio González play “Las músicas de Cervantes”

On September 21 Olalla Alemán, soprano, and Luis Antonio González, harpsichord, will offer a concert in the cycle “Las músicas de Cervantes’ that runs parallel to the International Conference “Las músicas de Cervantes’, organized by the CIDoM (UCLM-CSIC ). The programme, entitled 1616: En torno a Miguel de Cervantes, consists of works by Cipriano de Rore, Antonio de Cabezón, Sebastian Aguilera de Heredia, Francisco Correa de Arauxo, Girolamo Frescobaldi, Alessandro Grandi, Claudio Monteverdi, Juan Anañés and Gabriel Bataille. The concert takes place at the Old Casino of Ciudad Real, at 20:30.